Western Tropical Atlantic Regional Workshop (VIRTUAL MEETING)

Western Tropical Atlantic Regional Workshop (VIRTUAL MEETING)

Western Tropical Atlantic Regional Workshop (VIRTUAL MEETING)

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The Western Tropical Atlantic Regional Workshop offers a crucial opportunity to co-design mission-oriented ocean research strategies in line with the 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly SGD 14, the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean, and the SAMOA Pathway.

The Workshop will focus on Western Tropical Atlantic countries and territories* needs and priorities in terms of transforming knowledge systems; accelerating transfer of technology; enabling training and education; fostering science-policy dialogues, and enabling scientific solutions to the Region’s socio-economic challenges.

This event will provide a two-day virtual forum to gather ocean leaders/champions/key stakeholders to further discuss and prioritize the issues identified at the First Global Planning Meeting. The Workshop will facilitate regional, interdisciplinary discussions across sectors, such as ocean science and technology, ocean policy and sustainable development, business and industry, NGOs and civil society, and donors and foundations. The forum will identify concrete deliverables and new and expanded partnerships to meet the Decade’s six Societal Objectives.

For registration, visit: https://us15.campaign-archive.com/?u=75c69bf185fb2be069850f6ee&id=ff545af8be

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To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://us15.campaign-archive.com/?u=75c69bf185fb2be069850f6ee&id=ff545af8be →


Date And Time

28-04-20 to


Online event

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