Regional Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa

Regional Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa

Regional Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa

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Regional Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa, 10 to 11 March 2021, online

The General Conference of UNESCO adopted the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage on 2 November 2001. The convention intends to protect “all traces of human existence having a cultural, historical or archaeological character” which have been under water for over 100 years. In this context, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and the Namibian National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM) will host a Regional Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa.

The two-days meeting will be held virtually the 10 March from 08h30 – 15h35 and 11 March 2021 from 09h00 – 15h40 via Zoom (Namibian time, link below). The meeting contributes to UNESCO’s continued efforts to improve Member States capacities in protecting their submerged heritage, such as shipwrecks, sunken structures and offering sites.

Speakers will include representatives of national authorities, leading archaeologists, senior cultural heritage experts, historians or conservators from the African region. The discussions will revolve around the current status of Underwater Heritage, best practices and studies on how best to protect it as well as how to promote intersectoral and international cooperation. The meeting will further investigate how to establish inventories based on the standard UNESCO inventory sheet.

Honourable Ester Anna-Lisa Nghipondoka, Minister of Education, Arts and Culture of Namibia, will officially open the meeting on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Namibia.

As the meeting is virtual, observers are welcome and can listen into the exchanges. Do not hesitate to join us.

Register in advance for this meeting and obtain the link to join:

Contact Mrs. Pauline Ndhlovu ( /+ 264 61 291 7223) or Mrs. Emma Uiras ( / +264 61 276 831

Provisional schedule:

March 10, 2021

8h30- 9h30            

Welcome – Hon. Laura Veendapi McLeod-Katjirua Governor, Khomas Region, Namibia

Remarks – Mr. Lazare Eloundou, Director, Culture and Emergencies, UNESCO

Statement – Mr. Moussa-Elkadhum, B. Djaffar, UNESCO Representative to Namibia

Keynote Address – Hon. Ester Anna-Lisa Nghipondoka, Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Namibia

Vote of thanks:

Mr Boyson Ngondo, Deputy Director, Directorate of National Heritage and Culture Programmes, Namibia

9h30- 10h05           Session 1: Underwater Cultural Heritage

Moderator: Mrs Esther Moombolah-/Goagoses, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Namibia

Objectives of the Meeting, Mrs Helvi Inotila Elago, UNESCO Windhoek Office

9h45 -10h00          

The UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage – taking stock of 20 years of regional collaboration in Africa, Mrs Ulrike Guerin, UNESCO HQ

10h00 -10h05         

Virtual Excursion to the Oranjemund shipwreck, Namibia (film)

10h05- 11h50         Session 2: Underwater Cultural Heritage – Progress in the Region

(15 min per presentation)

  • The Oranjemund Wreck – a Namibian Case Study for the African region, Mr Henry Nakale, Namibia

  • The History of Shipwreck in Namibia: 500 shipwrecks in 500 years, Mr Gunter von Schoeman, Namibia

  • Underwater cultural heritage research challenges, Mr Jonathan Sharfman, African Center for Heritage, South Africa

  • Building capacity – Developing Regional Centres of Excellence:

  • CAIRIM on Mozambique Island, Mr Ricardo Duarte, E. Mondlane University, Mozambique
    • Plans for the Goree Underwater Cultural Heritage Center, Mr Moussa Wele, Senegal

11h50 – 13h00        Discussion

13h00- 14h15         Lunch

14h15 – 15h15       Session 3: Underwater Cultural Heritage – Challenges at Global Level

Moderator: Mrs Ulrike Guerin, UNESCO

  • Underwater Cultural Heritage Conservation and Museum Development, Mr Mladen Pešic, Croatia

  • Access to Underwater Cultural Heritage, Mrs Ulrike Guerin, UNESCO

  • Best Practice – Ocean Literacy and Awareness, Mr João Paulo Costa, University of Lisbon, Portugal 

15h15 – 15h35        Discussion   

March 11, 2021

9h00 – 9h15 am     

Recap of Day 1 – Rapporteurs: Mr Rodney Bunhiko, Mrs Marina Nzila Mubusisi and Mrs Pauline Ndlovu

9h15 – 12h00          Session 4: Underwater Cultural Heritage – National Reports

Moderator:  Mr Boyson Ngondo, Namibia

(5 min per presentation)

  1. Angola 
  2. Cape Verde 
  3. Ghana
  4. Mozambique
  5. Senegal
  6. South Africa
  7. Tanzania
  8. South Sudan
  9. Kenya

11h30 – 12h00        Discussion   

12:00- 12:15           Health Break

12h15 – 13h00       Session 5: Roundtable Discussion on international cooperation & the UN Ocean Science Decade

Moderator:  Mr Mika Odido, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO

  • The UN Ocean Science Decade and Underwater Cultural Heritage,Mr Mika Odido, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO
  • Discussion:
  • Mr Joao Costa, Portugal
  • Mrs Athena Trakadas, Denmark
  • Mr Moussa Wele, Senegal

13h00 – 14h00       Lunch break          

14h00 – 15h00        Session 6: International Standards

Moderator:  Mrs Helvi Elago, UNESCO

  • Best Practices in Access to Underwater Cultural Heritage, Mr Chris Dobbs, Mary Rose Museum, UK

  • How to increase intersectoral cooperation on cultural diplomacy in the area of Underwater Archaeology, Mrs Lesa la Grange, SAHRA, South Africa

  • Create awareness and understanding for underwater cultural heritage in Africa, Mr Emmanuel Odekanyin, Ministry of Culture, Nigeria

  • How to establish inventories based on the standard UNESCO inventory sheet, Mr Alexandre Monteiro, University Lisbon, Portugal

14h50 – 15h00        Discussion

15h00 – 15h30        Adoption of Recommendations

Moderator: Mr Boyson Ngondo, Deputy Director, Directorate of National Heritage and Culture Programmes, Namibia

VIRTUAL PHOTO (please be available)

15h30 – 15h40      

Closing Remarks, MrsEsther Moombolah-/Goagoses, Director, Directorate of National Heritage and Culture Programmes, Namibia

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Date And Time

10-03-21 to


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