Oceans Meeting: Ocean Smart Governance

Ocean Smart

Oceans Meeting: Ocean Smart Governance

by Ocean Smart
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Having decided on the importance of promoting regional and international cooperation in order to mobilize strong and more ambitious action in ocean affairs by Governments, civil society, industry, universities, research centers and NGO’s and all other relevant stakeholders, Portugal is organizing the fourth edition of this International Ministerial Meeting.


The Ocean is one of the most strategically important pillars for the sustainability of our civilization. As a result, sharing knowledge about the Ocean is crucial for the development of common strategies to ensure the protection of Ocean resources and challenges States to permanently define global governance solutions to ensure a sustainable blue economy.

It is this strategic goal that will be the target of the second UN Ocean Conference, to be held in Portugal, in 2020, in a co-organization between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Kenya, aiming at defining concrete solutions steaming from scientific research and innovation.

In order to contribute to the preparation of this action, the XXI Government of the Portuguese Republic, through the Minister of the Sea, promotes the “Oceans Meeting 2019”, which will take the form of an International Ministerial Conference on “Ocean Smart Governance”.

It should be noted that this initiative is part of the Commemorations of the V Centenary of Circumnavigation of the Portuguese navigator Magellan, a human achievement that mirrors the spirit of Ocean Smart Governance based on cooperation and demand for scientific knowledge.

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16-05-19 to



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